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 Generation Shift

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Join date : 26.08.2010

Generation Shift Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Generation Shift   Generation Shift EmptyПет Авг 27, 2010 2:30 pm

Има два основни начина за използване на GenShift.
Едната е просто да изпратиш монстер в гроба и да вземеш същата карта от дека си
така може да избегнеш вортрекс и да си +1.В такива случай е добра за взимане на
части на Екзодия при използването и в/у "Emissary of the Afterlife".
Също е много добра в/у "Manticore of Darkness" - сендваш 1 за да вземеш 2-ри и използваш ефекта
на 1-вия за да го върнеш а после дискардваш и за 2-рия.
Това е добра добавка към комбото на "Manticore of Darkenss" + "Card of Safe Return".
Така чрез 2-та Мантикора можеш да изтеглиш целия си дек - Идеално комбо за Exodia

Пример: {стар пример от времето когато DaD не беше Лимитед}
Друга добра карта в/у, която може да се използва GenShift е "Dark Armed Dragon"
Когато Специално призовеш DaD и противника ти chain с BTH Използваш Prio на DaD
и да ремуве-неш 1 Дарк от гроба.(И остават 2 Дарк).След това го изпращаш в Гроба и
взимаш 2-ри от дека си и го SS.

Ruling за Generation Shift:

Destroying your monster for "Generation Shift" is not a cost. It's part of the effect.
You can target a Limited monster with "Generation Shift", but after destroying the monster you don't search or shuffle your Deck.
You can target a Token Monster with "Generation Shift" and it will be destroyed, but you do not search or shuffle your Deck (this part of the effect is not resolved).
If you target "Proto-Cyber Dragon" or "Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman" with this effect, you must add "Proto-Cyber Dragon" or "Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman" to your hand. You cannot add "Cyber Dragon" or "Elemental Hero Bubbleman".
You can target "Embodiment of Apophis" with "Generation Shift". It will be destroyed and a copy of "Embodiment of Apophis" from your Deck will be added to your hand.

Generation Shift DR2-EN189

Generation Shift IOC-067

Ruling за "Manticore of Darkness":

"Manticore of Darkness"' effect can be activated during the End Phase when it was sent to the Graveyard from the field, hand, or your Deck that same turn.
When you send 1 "Manticore of Darkness" to the Graveyard to Special Summon another "Manticore of Darkness", you can then send the new "Manticore of Darkness" to the Graveyard to Special Summon the first "Manticore of Darkness".
If "Card of Safe Return" is active, and "Manticore of Darkness" is Special Summoned with its effect, you can draw a card. So with 2 "Manticores of Darkness", 1 of them sent to the Graveyard, and "Card of Safe Return" in play, you can draw as many cards as you want.
When "Manticore of Darkness" is sent to the Graveyard because of hand size adjustment in the End Phase, you can activate its effect.
You can send a face-down Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster to the Graveyard for "Manticore of Darkness"' effect.
Sending monsters to the Graveyard for "Manticore of Darkness"' effect is a cost.
You can't send a Monster Token to the Graveyard for "Manticore of Darkness"' effect because Monster Tokens are taken off the field instead of going to the Graveyard.
The owner of "Manticore of Darkness" gets the effect, so if your opponent controls your "Manticore of Darkness" and it's sent to the Graveyard, you get to activate the effect.

Generation Shift 029

Generation Shift 300px-DarkArmedDragonPTDN-EN-ScR-1E
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